Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nothing Lasts Forever

I just love the colours of the trees this time of year. And I know through your blogs, some of you do as well.

It's amazing the change that occurs just because of the change in temperature and change in daylight.

Change is occurring all of the time....everywhere. As evidenced in these pictures I took last week of  maple leaves, they are losing their colour and starting to decay.

Nothing lasts forever in this world of ours. It took me a long time to 'get my head around' this fact. Impermanence is what it is called. Everything eventually dies.

As soon as I accepted this fact, I began to see things a lot differently. I appreciated my family more. I noticed things that I hadn't before about the members of my family.  Nature  doesn't last, as we see every autumn and winter.

I took notice of the things around me because I realized they / it will not last. This helped me learn to 'live in the moment' more often instead of fretting about some trivial thing that may be bothering me.

Some believe that we will 'live on' after this body of ours ceases to exist. I look at it ,our body, as the dwelling place of the 'energy', 'spirit'/soul that made us 'alive' in the first place.

When the body dies, the energy of that individual is released into the universe from where it come.

There, I have it all figured out!! lol . Just some 'food for thought' for this 'thinking out loud' Thursday morning.

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