Hi everyone.
Ron returned home yesterday afternoon after two tests,
echo-cardiogram and low impact stress test,
to determine if there was heart damage.
There wasn't.
This makes his recovery a lot easier.
The last three days have been a blur......
but a focused blur.
He was in good hands at both hospitals and we have nothing
but good things to say about our health-care system.....
it was quick to determine what was going on and even quicker to resolve it.
If there is any comfort in this at all
it would have to be that we went through a similar experience 4 years ago
with my 'heart event'.
We learned a 'new language' then and with the help
of an excellent rehabilitation program
we knew what we had to do.
Makes it a lot easier this time round.
Ron's experience with the angioplasty procedure
was more difficult than mine and took three times longer
almost two hours.
He is tired and taking it slowly for a few days.
He was drug-free up to three days ago.
Now he has five prescription drugs to get used to.
My cardiologist just happened to be in the ICU yesterday
and she saw me there in Ron's room.
She immediately came over and told us that she would
also be Ron's if that was OK with us.
Again, this makes it all the more easier for us
and she is a wonderful human being.
So, here we go into something new for Ron.
He will mange this well as he is lot stronger than his mate!! lol
He really is, thanks to his mother and grandmother....great role models they were.
Thanks so much for your support blogger friends!
It really is true about what they say about the power that can come
from this collected group.
Your prayers and positive energy/thoughts has helped us get
through this.