Thursday, January 9, 2014

Along North Park

Halifax is an old North American standards that is.
It was 'founded' by the British in 1749.

Halifax is in the province of Nova Scotia which began to be settled by the French 
in the early 1600's. After a few battles between these two 'conquering nations'
Britain eventually won the right to call Nova Scotia it's own.

Being an old 'port city' Halifax has seen it's share of world events effecting the comings
and goings of it's population.

Two world wars may have not hit our shores but they made Halifax an important 'supply' port.
Thousands of soldiers (my father included) sailed from Halifax Harbour to fight in Europe.

Some parts of the city from the 'early days' still I am sure in most cities.

This row of houses along North Park Street have survived many years. 
I suspect they were built in the late 1800's.
Some are 'boarding houses and some are private homes.

They are nothing special to look at but hold a certain charm
that is part of the history that built this city.

I spent my early childhood just down the street a ways from here.

I hope these buildings survive the drive for developing
this downtown area of the city and their historical significance
will be protected.

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