Saturday, June 4, 2011

Retro Saturday

You know when you see something that you'd really like to own but think it is way over-priced?

Well, about a month and a half ago I saw these glass bowls at Value Village. They were up front with the 'good' stuff. I asked if I could take a look at them.

Upon close inspection I saw that they were made by the Anchor Hocking Glass Company. I also noticed that they were 'microwave safe'.

This told me that they were probably made in the 80's if not the early 90's. So I knew that they were not in the league with those great Pyrex Mixing Bowls 400 Series.

Nonetheless I kept my eye on them for a few weeks. They weren't budging. I did notice however that some of the other 'good' stuff was being reduced.

So I approached the manager and asked her she was ever going to reduce these bowls. She looked at the date they were 'listed' and said that they were due to be reduced in a week. She also told me when she does this.....on Friday evenings.

Guess who was there on Friday evening? Moi! She smiled when she saw me and headed directing to the showcase and reduced them!

I knew they were way over-priced for this venue and with a little patience I brought them home.

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