Jumping... In More Ways Than One
Before we left Vancouver in 1982 we had gotten addicted to the 'new' craze of aerobics.
We were already fitness fanatics so it was a natural evolution of sorts for us to jump in!
We joined the 'Y' there and got the feel for this new 'thing'
and brought it back to Halifax where it was just being introduced.
So in 1983 we jumped on the bandwagon so to speak
and opened our own aerobics centre.
We called it 'Cuvelier's Exercise Studio'.
Since Ron was working full-time and I had just taken a
year sabbatical from teaching to try this new venture,
the business was given my surname.
Nothing like jumping into something I had no idea about.....
business that is!! The aerobics side of it was easy to do
and we liked it a lot. But the business of it was all new to me.
Long story short (phew), we survived for just over two years.
We had a very large clientele. Met a lot of wonderful people along the way
some of which we still know today.
But the bottom line was that we jumped in over our heads
and didn't have a sound business plan. So we closed.
I have no regrets whatsoever. I didn't make any money
but gained so much more....debt (lol),
a respect for the 'business world',
and lifelong memories of a
a very exciting time in our lives.
We had a blast!
So back to teaching I went.
Part of our advertising was to have aerobics classes in local malls.
Here is Ron in black t-shirt up front instructing a class.
That is me to the right in the red t-shirt.