Monday, October 29, 2012

Contemplative Monday

...taken from 'Heart Advice--Weekly Quotes From Pema Chodron

"How do we develop the willingness to not retaliate? Shantideva's approach is based on

developing tenderness for the human predicament, and, if that's not possible, 

to at least realize that anger increases our suffering. It is like eating poison seeds and wondering why we get sicker.

To interrupt anger's momentum, he suggests these contemplations on the futility

of our habitual responses. Ask yourself once again: Why do I get angry at people 

and not inanimate things? How much of my anger is caused by fixed views of good and bad,

right and wrong? And couldn't I have some tolerance for others who, just like me,

keep creating their own misery? The real culprits are the kleshas (click) themselves, 

and couldn't we all use some compassionate guidance in working with them?"

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