Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Sophie and I were at the beach a few days ago.

And yes it was as cold as it looks!

The wind was whipping down the shore

and Sophie really didn't want to leave the security of the boardwalk.

And what was I doing?




           Nassau 1974.
this long ago trip.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Contemplative Monday


"If we begin to surrender to ourselves-----

begin to drop the story line and experience what all this

messy stuff behind the story line feels like-----

we begin to find bodhichitta,

the tenderness that's beneath all the harshness.

By being kind to ourselves, we become kind to others.

By being kind to others----if it's done properly, with proper understanding----

we benefit as well.

So the first point is that we are completely interrelated.

What you do to others, you do to yourself.

What you do to yourself, you do to others."

Quote by Pema Chodron, Heart Advice, Weekly Quotes.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eclectic Tastes

In 1970 I went to a Joan Baez concert in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. This is Ron's 'home town' and I wouldn't be meeting him for another two years.

Funny thing though........guess who was at that same concert on a farmer's hillside pasture?  Ron!

He was there with a group from his summer job......in that group was my brother, Dennis! Small world, eh?!

So whenever I see or hear Joan Baez, that weekend on a hill outside Wolfville comes back to me, sort of.......

I just found a photo of that concert in 1970....

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Retro Saturday

In 1979 Ron and I decided to 'pack our bags' and move out west....to Vancouver, B.C.

We were ready to see what all the fuss was about....life on the west coast of Canada.

We bought a van and transformed it into a camper, of sorts. We left Halifax in early July.

Our plan was to drive across Canada to Alberta where we were to pick up our friend, Stephen.

He had already left Halifax a month earlier and went to Texas to visit with his sister.

So we picked Stephen up in Edmonton (Ron's brother and family live here) and from there headed south to the US.

It was quite the adventure. Ron and I, being swimmers, swam across Canada and part of the States......from pool to pool! Good way to keep clean!

Neither of us had been to the west coast and it was our goal to run into the Pacific Ocean.....
as soon as we got near it!

When we got to the coast in Oregon, there it was, the Pacific Ocean! We jumped in!

And the next day we parked the van and headed down along it's beautiful coastline, by bicycle, into northern California. We were in heaven.

The photo below of Ron and me was taken by Stephen.......along the Oregon coast.

This was one of the makeshift abodes we made to stay overnight on the beach. It was a very exhilarating time for us.

I believe we got to Vancouver the second week of August....the adventure continued.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thinking Out Loud











Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Getting There

The process of acceptance is slow but we are getting there. Some (people and places) more quickly than others. They appear to be terrified of the consequences. We really don't bite! lol

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Words are not adequate 

to describe what Mother Nature

is capable of doing.

Best to sit back

and enjoy the show

and to expect an encore!

      Taken last week from window.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Contemplative Monday


"We are all in this together.

"So when you realize that you're talking with yourself,

"label it 'thinking' and notice your tone of voice.

"Let it be compassionate and gentle and humorous.

"Then you'll be changing old stuck patterns

"that are shared by the whole human race.

"Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves."

       Sophie in the sand/grass dunes.

Taken from Pema Chodron's Weekly Quotes: Heart Advice.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Eclectic Tastes

I am pretty sure I have posted this song a couple years ago and it is time to do so again! (I don't use 'labels')

It is so cold here lately that this is just what is needed to stay warm!!

My father used to play this on the piano when we were kids. It is one of the first songs I remember.

And I still to this day have a difficult time telling a lie! Enjoy and stay still if you can!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Retro Saturday

I was in the 'Sally Ann' the other day actually looking for something else when I saw this print of a photograph.

It is by Ansel Adams

I have always admired this pioneer's work. I have a few other pieces of his work hanging in the house.

Photography back then was still 'young'. And I feel that this contributed to the excitement at the time for this new art form.

Imagine being there and discovering all that there was to learn about this new art medium!

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