Over the past 20 years or so, Nova Scotia has been slowly gaining recognition
in the 'wine industry' here in North America.
Most of the vineyards are in the Annapolis Valley where Ron grew up
and attended university. So we know this area pretty well and have spent a lot
of time here over the years.
We continue to visit this area because it has been and is so much a part of our lives.
So last weekend we were in the Valley again getting 'stocked up' on fall veggies
and found ourselves in the heart of 'wine country', Nova Scotia style.
The Annapolis Valley has always been noted for its growing and production
of apples here in eastern Canada. But this has changed now and the apple
orchards are being replaced by vineyards.
There are still apple orchards which produce great fruit but I noticed on this last trip
that I see more vineyards now.
Changing times and the economy have helped with this 'crop change'.
I believe there is more money to be made with grape production
and it takes less start-up time than apples to go from 'vineyard to table'.
It is becoming very popular for people to take a bus tour of all
the vineyards in this area. And if these photos reflect anything
it is that the setting of these vineyards is spectacular....all year round.
It is good to see that my little province of Nova Scotia
is keeping up with the best of them.