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Two Saturdays ago Sophie and I visited Dad .
We got to his room at the veterans hospital and he wasn't there.
A note was on his table saying that he was at a St. Patrick's Day fiddle concert.
Of course he was!
We headed back downstairs to the auditorium.
It was packed with a lot of people. How was I to find Dad?
Then I spotted him towards the front sitting in his wheelchair.
The concert was under way, so Sophie and I were as quiet as we could be.
I had grabbed an empty chair from the back and took it up front with us.
Soph was so happy to find Dad! She immediately gave him a big LICK!
He yelped out loud! LOL He doesn't like being licked!
Sophie had to get her bearings, her first concert you see.
She settled quickly once she knew Dad was there.
Then we focused on the music.....and the dancing.
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You see, one of the veterans was up front
dancing/floating around like nobody's business.
She, yes one of the few female patients there,
was in her own a good way.
She literally was floating as if on a cloud.
She must have been all of ninety pounds.
She was moving very gracefully in front of the band
and would slow down and stop at individual audience members
smiling and dancing gently away onto the next.
Sophie was holding it together as best she could.
You see she loves to dance home!
So what happens?
Well, the 'dancer' spots Sophie in the centre aisle,
and down she comes to meet her.......
all along keeping time to some Irish jig!!
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Sophie was on a leash (rules, and a good one)
and she remained in a 'sit' position till the woman was near her.
At that point Sophie was giving her all the licks she could give.
And the woman was very receptive and appreciative.
It was at this point that the woman spoke to me and Sophie.
She had a very soft and gentle voice
and said hello to Sophie by name (I had told her Sophie's name).
After a few more licks by Sophie and more pats on the head by the dancer,
the 'dancing lady' was heading back up front
keeping perfect time to the music and not missing a beat.
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She was gliding back to her seat where she was sitting with what looked like her daughter.
I realized what an wonderful moment this was to witness.
Here was a woman who was at least 90 years old 'living' out her last days.
And I mean living them.
She was so 'in the moment' and enjoying every second.
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Being the 'teacher' most of my life,
I couldn't help but see the 'lesson' here.
We, most humans, spend so much of our lives doing this and doing that
and never really taking the time to stop, pause,
and just focus on what is happening now;
instead, living in the past and worrying about the future.
The 'dancing lady' was not a bit self-conscious
and looked as if she did not have a care in the world,
which I am sure she didn't.
She heard music which she liked
and she did what she felt was the only
logical thing to do in this situation.....

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