Sunday, August 8, 2010
Let Me Introduce to You........
On this very mellow Sunday afternoon, I'd like to share with you one of my favourite flowering plants........Gooseneck Loosestrife or more formally Lysimachia clethroides.
You may have heard of its very notorious distant cousin 'Purple Loosestrife', Lythrum Salicaria, which is eating up a lot of 'wet lands' in Canada and the US. This cousin is very aggressive and almost impossible to get rid of. It has made it's presence known here in Nova Scotia about 10 years ago.
However, the Gooseneck is a lot less aggressive and very easy to maintain. We've had it for 15 years plus. And it is making itself known in a few areas of the garden.
They grow in clusters/groups and the white flowers can be very striking mid summer till fall around here on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia.
Another 'loosestrife' is the yellow variety or Lysimachia Punctata. This is not related to the purple one but can be invasive if you are not careful. It 'took off' on us a few years ago and we had to really dig up most of it. Now it is under control.
Like a lot of plants that like to take over your garden, you have to watch them after a few years and keep them under your control. They are very manageable. But DON'T bring in the purple variety. You will regret it.
And as the wind is 'picking up' and blowing the Prayer Flags, hope you are all having a 'mellow' weekend too.