A recent visitor.....pheasant.
This is a 'funny' time of year.....'funny' as in it feels we are on the cusp of something.
The days are getting longer and the signs are telling us that something new is about to happen. But WHEN?
Having had four months of winter's blissfulness already, early March is always the month that we 'Maritimers' get a little fidgety. We want either spring to get here NOW, or winter to stay as winter. Just don't 'play' with us.
This is Ron getting 'fidgety'!
Some years, but not that often, March will be like the 'spring' people get a little further south of us.....like in southern Mass. maybe.
I remember back to the 2nd. of March in 1962, when I was very, very young. My sister, Marilyn, was getting married at 9 o'clock in the morning. It had been pretty nice weather-wise, but it began to snow. It was a 'white' wedding alright!
I guess the only thing to do is to 'take whatever comes our way'.....is there a choice?
I know Spring is out there somewhere!