Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To The Back Of The Bus!!!

I have noticed on a couple of blogs recently a 'link' to a very worthy cause....that of adoption for Down's Syndrome children from around the world. Check it out here.

This is an area that is 'close to my heart'. For the first ten years of my teaching career, I worked with kids who had Down's Syndrome. It was the best ten years of my career.

With no intentions of pursuing an adoption of any sort, I followed the links on this site to see what the 'terms' were. I read the history of the creator of the organization and was very impressed with her intentions.

I read the criteria necessary to those who were considering to partake in the adoption process. There was the usual financial stability, a background check, health history that may be pertinent, and the next criteria that slapped me right in the face.

Same-sex couples could not adopt. It said that there are no foreign countries at this time that allow or will consider same-sex adoption.

Was I surprised? Yes. I am always taken aback when I am jolted into the realization that 'minorities' in this world are not readily accepted.

 I guess we, in Canada at least,  have taken for granted that to be homosexual is not an obstacle any longer when it comes to our 'rights and freedoms'. And anything to suggest so is unconstitutional in Canada, not to say that bigotry and prejudice has disappeared because of this.

I was immediately taken back to the 50's and 60's when African Canadian/American peoples were blatantly treated like second-class citizens. I couldn't believe that human beings were being treated like this. But they were.

I am not suggesting that the aforementioned adoption agency is not worthy of your attention. It is! And I strongly recommend anybody who does qualify to consider this worthwhile cause. 

I just find it difficult at times to be constantly reminded that I was born 'different'  from the majority in this world and therefore am considered not equal or worthy in some areas on this planet. Should I have wanted to adopt from another country, I couldn't because I am a homosexual.

I do not presume to know what it is like to grow up being an African Canadian/American in this culture of ours. But, if I may, I have an inkling.

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