We went to a 'going away' party last evening at my sister, Mim's. Her daughter, our niece Brynn, is going 'abroad' for the first time today.
Brynn and 'Ollie'
Brynn is 21 years old and is going by herself but meeting up with a family friend in London.
After a very busy two years in broadcasting/journalism school, Brynn is off to England to have a well-deserved break.
Ron and Brynn
She said last night that since she will be so very close to France, she is planning a short visit there as well.
People were dropping in all evening to wish her well. One was a 'travel consultant' and brought along a few brochures.
Brynn is working for a local radio station and reads the news to all the Maritime Provinces. Of course she is good! Really though, she sounds like she was born in a broadcasting studio.
Wendy, Brynn and Mim
It was a lot of fun. Mim made this huge pan of nachos smothered in ground turkey, green onions, tomatoes, garlic and of course cheese. So good!
We can't wait for Brynn to go and get back so we can hear all the 'stories' and see all the pictures. Have a great trip Brynn!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Frequent Fall Photos
It is definitely Fall here in Nova Scotia. There are signs everywhere.
The spiders are in a final flurry in one last effort to catch whatever they can for their brood of eggs.
Even a leaf.
The Burning Bush (Euonymous Alata Compactus or Spindle Tree), has started to turn it's brilliant red colour.
Even the annual Coleus wants to get in on the display of colour.
I don't think this fella will make it through another winter. He's already 'cracking up' at the thought.
The grapes are starting to turn. I hope we get a chance to eat a few before the birds do.
The Magnolia's seed pods are in on the action. They are a vibrant red and look like some exotic fruit.
There are a few Clematis blossoms here and there throughout the garden. Ron has an obsession for these climbers. A good one to have.
And this centre point in the back garden, Weeping Nootka Falsecypress (Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis Pendula) whew!, has 'seeded out' with these sort of ashen blue berries.
I love this time of year. The garden is flushed with a final frenzy of colour before it is covered in a white blanket for a few months.
And this post has been brought to you by the letter 'F'.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday's Tantalizing Tidbits
Sophie at the river.
I don't usually post awards. And my apologies to those I haven't posted but I think it was because I didn't know how to do it and I have mixed feelings about them.
Ron and Sophie at the river.
Time to grow up Jim and give it a go!
This was from Liz at http://ninnysnotesblog.blogspot.com.

The hitch is that now I must reveal 7 things that none of you know about me. And I thought my blog was an OPEN BOOK! Here goes.
Seven things you do not know about me are :
1. As a child I wanted to be a Missionary in Africa.
2. Didn't learn to swim until I was 21 years old and got my Bronze Medallion when I was 25.
3. Am the third child, the first boy, in a family of nine.
4. My great-great grandfather was a deserter in the U.S. army after fighting in the Mexican-American war in the early 1850's.
5. As a child I always wanted to be chef when I grew up.
6. As an adult I wished I had been a dancer.
7. I had a wonderful Afro when I was 19 and 20.........it was all natural too!
Whew! That wasn't so bad.
There is no way I can forward this to seven bloggers that I follow. They are ALL 'versatile' in their own way.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Contemplative Monday
I've been thinking about labyrinths lately thanks to a fellow blogger, Debra, at She Who Seeks. Take a look here http://shewhoseeks.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-first-labyrinth-walk.html.
I am beginning to realize that a walk in a labyrinth is very similar to a 'walking meditation' or at least it could be if that is what you would want to get from one.
I have done a number of 'walking' meditations but not through a labyrinth. I have begun a search to see if there are any in our province or neighbouring provinces. I think it would be an interesting experience .
In the same vein, I have been learning about Mandalas.
Susanne F. Fincher, the author of the above book, says:" Drawing the traditional circular designs known as mandalas is a meditative practice. a healing exercise in times of crisies, and a pleasurable act of creativity. As a symbol of the Self, the mandala provides a connection to our innermost being."
I have done a few over the past couple of months and find the experience much like I'm sure we all felt when we were kids colouring in a colouring book.......very relaxing and focused on the task at hand. Each one has a 'guided' purpose.

I'm in the process of 'colouring' a labyrinth right now. The process is very simple, nothing 'deep' but very restful.
The author says that this Labyrinth provides "a moment of engagement, of quickening, of seeing through to a new reality. What appears to be a single endless meander is really two separate pathways crossing many times but never completely joining one another."
There are labyrinths out there and it is my plan to find a few and experience them.
I am beginning to realize that a walk in a labyrinth is very similar to a 'walking meditation' or at least it could be if that is what you would want to get from one.
I have done a number of 'walking' meditations but not through a labyrinth. I have begun a search to see if there are any in our province or neighbouring provinces. I think it would be an interesting experience .
In the same vein, I have been learning about Mandalas.
Susanne F. Fincher, the author of the above book, says:" Drawing the traditional circular designs known as mandalas is a meditative practice. a healing exercise in times of crisies, and a pleasurable act of creativity. As a symbol of the Self, the mandala provides a connection to our innermost being."
I have done a few over the past couple of months and find the experience much like I'm sure we all felt when we were kids colouring in a colouring book.......very relaxing and focused on the task at hand. Each one has a 'guided' purpose.
I'm in the process of 'colouring' a labyrinth right now. The process is very simple, nothing 'deep' but very restful.
The author says that this Labyrinth provides "a moment of engagement, of quickening, of seeing through to a new reality. What appears to be a single endless meander is really two separate pathways crossing many times but never completely joining one another."
There are labyrinths out there and it is my plan to find a few and experience them.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Retro Saturday
Something to entertain you all while you scroll through the 'items' I got recently at the 'Sally Ann'. A little bit of 'retro' music (boy I am old!!) from the '70's. Loved the Bee Gees.....great dance music.
Make sure you click on the music first!....
On the way home the other day from Halifax, I ducked into the 'Sally Ann' just in case.
Sure enough I found this little trio that seemed to match!
The 'crock' on the left has no identification marks and is quite heavy. I'm using it in the kitchen for wooden utensils.
The 'cut flower' vase on the right is made by Stanford Pottery, Sebring, Ohio. I looked it up and the company stopped production in the '70's. This piece I believe is from the 1950's or '60's.
The little one in the middle is a cute little 'shaker' made in Japan. Another one to find a mate for.
The week before I saw this glass all by itself and it was pretty dirty. It looks like a retro 'banded' glass (of which I have a few) but it may not be. I haven't seen any where the bands do not go all the way around the glass. Have you.?Anyway, for 39 cents, who cares!
Enjoying the music?
Thanks for dropping by. Now get out there and see what is waiting for you at your local 'thrift' shop.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, September 24, 2010
This whole blogging phenomena is quite phenomenal.
When I started my blog in February 2010 my main intention was to get my thoughts down.....much like a journal.
Being in the process of recovering from a severe concussion/brain injury, I thought that it would help if I expressed myself about anything and everything.
My, or should I say, our lives were brought to a complete stand still. I could not work or do pretty well anything that involved lifting, multi-tasking (OK ladies, I know 'guys' are no good at this anyway), talking for long periods of time, being in large groups and driving a car.
Our life had changed drastically in a second from a fall backwards while skating on a lake with no helmet.
I was very unsure of myself and where I was headed (no pun intended!). So my husband, Ron, had to leave his job to look after me for the first year.
I had no idea that I would be 'meeting' people from all over the world who actually showed an interest in what I was saying.
It has been so good for me.
So what was I to do. Well, nothing for a while. But I very gradually began to feel that I could and wanted to do things again. And blogging was one of those things.
So in a way, blogger friends, you have helped me, whether you knew it or not, in the recovery process.
So in that vein, I would like to thank all of you who take the time to read my blog. It's been very enjoyable on my part learning about CHICKENS, donkeys, goats, horses, dogs, cats (feral ones too), snakes and lizards, and labyrinths, Australia, Wales, England, Oregon, Tennessee, California, New York, Edmonton, Rhode Island, Montreal, Los Angeles, the Carolinas, Texas and all the other places where you all live and visit.
My sister Jo-Ann told me a week after my accident that 'things happen for a reason'. I have held on to that thought and am realizing what has enhanced my life over the past couple of years. And you, bloggers, are certainly a part of that 'reason'. Thanks.
Ron and Sophie.
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