Tuning in for another week.....
This is the BEST sounding radio I have ever heard.
I got it last week from a friend's friend who was selling everything and moving out west.
Parking lot at beach.
Shop corner.
Since Ron is still building strength from his heart attack in March,
he does not always go as far as Sophie and I do at the park.
Hills can be very difficult for him....either up or down.
Takes time.
A view of MacDonald House from the front for a change.
My shop is on the third floor from the basement.
Cleo, one of the three 'resident' dogs at day care
when we were picking up Sophie yesterday. I think Cleo wanted too come along too.
Very calm sea from 'my perch' last Sunday.
Now who couldn't use with a little more sunshine this time of year?!
OK Jean in New Zealand, you would be the exception here!!
From a series called 'Glamour Girls'.....a plate series that is.