......sum sum sum sum sum sum SUMMERTIME......
Our 'Moonlight' clematis is doing well this year.
....as is the 'Nelly Moser'....
A very foggy day last week at the boardwalk....
Purchased this handmade replica of the schooner, Bluenose,
a world famous racing schooner back in the day......
after a little work is ought to be 'ship shape'.
This schooner is on the back of the Canadian dime.
Early yesterday morning at Stony Beach just down the road from us.
'Barn hunting' this week in the Valley.....
The humble, but delicious, blackberry blossom.....
Barn number 2.....
He's going to be OK.....trust me!!
A one lane bridge in the village of Falmouth, Nova Scotia (in the Annapolis Valley).....
Cobalt blue glass (mostly Milk of Magnesia bottles) in a window at the shop.....
Sun, reflection, shadow, wet beach.....
The MacDonald House in Lawrencetown (my shop is on 2nd. floor).....
Ron and Sophie one evening on the Hill.....
Daisy daisy give me your answer do.....
'Alright, Mr. Troke, I'm ready for my close-up'!