Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I Pick That Door, Monty

I took this photo last week down on the Dartmouth waterfront
 of a shed with three locked doors.

 Reminded me of the 70's U.S. game show, 'Let's Make a Deal'
where you had a chance to win whatever was behind the door that you picked
after answering a skill-testing question correctly.

I am wondering if there is anything of value behind these doors.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Eclectic Tastes

I really like the sound and harmonies of this Canadian group.
I hope you enjoy it as well.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saturday Morning Post

What? No snow?

Found these mid-century modern 'shell chairs' this week.

A walk in the woods at the park in Halifax.....

Lake Banook in Dartmouth....

Haven't hiked through this area of the park in a while....

Before having lunch with friends on Tuesday,
 we walked around the Dartmouth waterfront and saw a lot of construction.

That same are in the park....

Sorting through and pricing a 'new' stock of dishes this week at the shop.

Ron and Sophie on the Dartmouth waterfront
and in far background you can see all the development/construction
in downtown Halifax across the harbour.

Colours at the shop....

A concrete sculpture at the park...

Full view....

Contrasts.....flora and metal at a restaurant.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Life Of A Necktie

I am constantly looking around thrift shops, auctions, estate sales
and online for unusual vintage items.

Either I keep them and use at home, or they go to the shop.

I found this necktie at a thrift shop the other day.
The colours and design attracted me.
It was filthy, so off to the dry cleaners it went.
I picked it up yesterday and it was like new!

When I got home I began an online search 
as there was a label on the tie......
'Deborah Luscomb'.

I was surprised as to what I found.
A Deborah Liscomb lives in Halifax and originally came from
Boulder, Colorado.
She was the ceremonial designer for Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. (click)
He was the Buddhist leader who brought the Shambhala Center. (click)
headquarters to Halifax back in the 1980's.
She and thousands of others followed him here.

And since his death, she has a similar role for his son,  
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche . (click)

So I sent off an email and a photo of the tie to Deborah Luscomb.
I was unsure if she still lived here and also if she would reply to my inquiry.
I simply said that I was interested to know what inspired this design
and if there was anything she could share with me.

Within five minutes I got an email reply.
She was thrilled that I had this and she told me:
many years ago she made a number of these ties for her 
private business.
She used antique kimonos for the fabric.
And since the fabric was only 14" wide, this explains
why there are three seams in the necktie.

She added that there were a few of these ties 'floating around'
somewhere in her studio in Halifax.

I thanked her for this and am grateful to know the history/life of this tie.

There you go.....who would have thought that this tie had so many links to Halifax.

Now, where will I wear this tie?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


For the past few months we have been visiting a restaurant
in the city usually on Saturdays, it's called Heartwood.
They have a really good brunch that we like.
The owner is also an artist who works with iron/metals.

So this past weekend we brought in our cameras
 to try and capture some of his work.
Here is Ron pretending to look at menu.......
don't know why because he always orders his favourite,
tofu scrammble.

I usually order their bean burrito
 that is jam-packed with scrammbled eggs, cheese and other goodies.
But this time I ordered their black bean burger because
it is burger week in Halifax and it sounded really good,
which it was.

So as I am yaking away you may have noticed the iron/metal sculptures
that were in close proximity to our table.
The one directly above is a long arm reaching down
and I thought that since it looked like it was reaching for the tulips
it provided a dramatic contrast in texture.

And the one that was above Ron's head at our table,
was very well done .
I like the spine, don't you? It is made from a bicycle chain.

This piece was across the room near the bar....
in fact on the bar.

There were a number of these all around the restaurant
that were less three dimensional.

And since I did ask the owner/artist if I could take a few shots,
I will leave information about his FB page and website.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Contemplative Monday

"To be loved means to be recognized as existing."

....Thich Nhat Hanh (click to learn more)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Eclectic Tastes

I had not heard Diana Krall's version of this.
I like it, as I like most of her work.
We saw her here in Halifax a few years ago.
She is the consummate performer.

I hope you like it and have a wonderful Sunday.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Saturday Morning Post

From 'farmer's fertilizer' to a judicial seal.....

It snowed a little bit on St. Patrick's Day and Sophie had to go exploring in the garden.

I came across this photo from 1975.
It is of Ron and a colleague at the time, Paulette.
I had my class at a provincial camp in the Valley
and they gave me a hand one day.

It is not at all unusual for it to snow in March in Nova Scotia.....
but it never lasts/stays around. We call it 'farmer's fertilizer'.
This photo was taken at the park and the flash of red was too much to resist.

As long as the temperature is bearable,
Sophie could sit on the side deck for ever.

You can see the top of MacDonald House 
as seen from the beach the other day.


Must be one of Ron's favourite poses!
Or he needs a BIG HUG!!

Steps from Halifax Harbour....

A very judicial seal, wouldn't you say!

Friday, March 18, 2016

St.Patrick and The Dunes

Caught Ron praying to St.Patrick yesterday 
in the dune grass at the beach.

The Irish take March 17th very seriously!! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

From My Perch

I am switching 'work days' this week and am working today instead of Sunday.

These three photos were taken last Sunday.

Always good to see groups of people taking advantage of MacDonald Hill.
It is a good challenging hike to park at Stoney Beach below
and walk up the edge of the Hill all the way over to Lawrencetown Beach.
Actually one could keep going along the Trans Canada Trail
which continues on fro 24,000 kms to the West Coast and Arctic!! 

Looking south out into the Atlantic Ocean.....

Shell mobile hanging in massage-therapy room....

Monday, March 14, 2016

Contemplative Monday

"Because of your smile,
you make life more beautiful."

See? It works.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Eclectic Tastes

We found a number of good radio stations 
and one was Baroque music only.
And as Baroque is Ron's favourite classical form,
this is going out to him today.
I hope you enjoy it too.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday Morning Post

All-over-the-map type of week.....

Our resident pheasant stealthily slipping past living room window....

 Three ships lined up to enter Halifax Harbour....

Sophie very pleased to be back at the beach....

Lost and found at the park....

This ladies rocker is made here in Nova Scotia
about 150 km from here.
I picked this one up for the shop recently.

It was made by the Dominion Chair Co. in Bass River, N.S.
We like their work and our kitchen chairs 
were made here back in the 80's.

Oh the enthusiasm!! Never lacking from this fella!
I am thankful.

'Now where did Ron go?'

Still looking for him.......he went back to the car 
and Sophie just couldn't understand.

From my perch at the shop last Sunday.....

MacDonald House (location of my shop) in upper right taken from beach....

I look after three shops on Sunday when I work.
This was taken in Fancy Lucky Vintage.....
I liked the colour combinations here.....
silk and real leopard fur jacket from the early 50's.

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