I know we are all talking about the weather, as if there is anything we do about it.
If only we could accept it as each day comes and goes. Wouldn't that be something?
I think we notice the weather more this time of year than any other,
at least for us living in the Northern Hemisphere. Spring is special and has magical powers.
One just has to look around and see 'life' everywhere.....in the garden of course and beyond.
Here on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia cyclists appear
and whiz by doing the loop along the shore and back to the city.
Also the 'runners'/joggers seem to follow and as well the surfers come out
of the woodwork and head to the beach.....a lot more than in the winter.
Plus we are back walking the beach once again.
It is just too cold to handle in the depths of winter.
So yes, I am talking about the weather and how it affects
us all during seasonal transitions.
And I must say that my favourite is spring.