Every morning after Sophie eats she sits on her favourite
hassock so she can be eye-level with me.
And every morning she waits till I sit on my favourite chair
in front of her for our 'morning ritual',
that is to discuss the day ahead.
Yesterday morning the sun was pouring in the window directly on her and I grabbed my camera and kept talking to Sophie about what we had planned for the day.
Whenever she heard a word she recognized, Sophie would turn her head from one side to the next as if saying, 'Yes, I like what I just heard...keep talking.'
Some of the key words she is listening for are: car, beach,
walk, park, swim. Whenever she hears one of those she
turns head back and forth as if she knows what is ahead.
All I know is that Sophie has always
loved to get special 'talking' attention
at least twice a day....morning
and evening.
Or maybe it's me who needs this!