I seriously have to start to sell some, so I will have more room. That was the original plan a few years back. Buy things I like, and can use for a while in the house, then sell it after I retire.
Now that we 'find' ourselves being retired (albeit a 'forced' one but nonetheless retired), it's time to think of a strategy by which to sell it. It really is getting ridiculous down there. Vintage Christine would be in her glory in our basement.
I'm working on it.
But today I want to show you a few things I got at Value Village last weekend. It can be difficult to get 'deals' at this place but if you are persistent and dig around a bit, you will find something that appeals to you. Like this:
This is called a 'fan dish'. I found it on a bottom shelf with other stuff on top of it. I immediately thought it was beautiful and very pretty. There is a peacock in the middle of it. I knew nothing about it.....till I got home and looked it up.
It is made by Satuma of Japan and there are a few of these, but not identical, out there. They go for about 75.00 online........I got it for 7.00 .
Now something quite different from a piece of china and to me just as appealing, are three glass 'tumblers'.
I have been 'collecting' these for just over year now and have quite a few. They are cheap but vintage. They go for about .99 cents for the taller ones and .49 cents for smaller ones. Can't beat that!
The design is definitely 60's. Makes me think of 'go-go' dancers and 'mod' designer clothes.
This little juice glass looks like it could be a 'banded' piece of glassware, for which I have a 'soft spot'.
It is vintage as can be seen on some of the bands........they are worn.
Don't have a clue why I like these glasses other than the colours and designs. Something (memory) is triggered and the next thing I remember is being at the cashier! lol
I have always been a collector, as can be seen around the house and the state of the basement. I am sure a few of you have a few things hidden away in your attics or basements too.
Here's to a great weekend for you all.